Thursday, October 20, 2005

Clear Spirit: The Art of Suzy Druley

To sleep is to die to a world that seemed so important. To die is to be born to who we really are. Beneath the surface, we are real. Beneath the surface, we are free. Sometimes we get lucky and can drag impressions of our true selves back with us. I always liked this painting by artist Suzy Druley. I am a dreamer. I do some of my best work when I am asleep. I suppose you'd have to dream with me to really know who I am. I come from a long line of dreamers. My great grandmother was Cherokee, one of the Dream People. Joseph was one of my favorite Old Testament characters. I was always amazed at how he was able to do so much just by falling asleep! Dreaming was one of the first things that I took back at my soul's awakening...something that coincided with my first awareness of this artist. I guess that's why this particular work has special meaning to me.

I first encountered Suzy's paintings at the Kada Gallery in Erie, PA in 1996. She is what I think of as a Spirit Artist. I've heard that before she can even begin a painting, her whole being goes through a purging process. She becomes an open channel for whoever or whatever wants to come through her. They say that each painting Suzy does is created for a specific person, and speaks to a specific situation or aspect of that person's life. Though she may not know who, and though it may take years for that person to wander into the store and find it, there is a definite connection that takes place. There is something on the canvas, and in the titles also, that the buyer recognizes. They KNOW, it is their painting. I've had it happen a couple of times. And when I see the sacred dreamer in the painting above, I know there is something in it for me.

Check out Suzy's gallery and see what you find. Maybe she's put you down on canvas, too. Enjoy!


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