Monday, May 24, 2021


ARCHIVE: As hard as it was to see Mt. Lemmon in its altered state following the Bighorn Fire, it was even more difficult to see the changes done to the desert, especially our beloved saguaros. I went to Catalina State Park the day after I went up the mountain. That was two weeks ago. I am just now starting to post what I have seen. I’ve spent a lot of time looking through albums from earlier visits to the park, matching them up with post-fire photos. It has been tedious, but I also think it helped me to process the change. Sometimes you have to really look at something to be ok with it. So here is my before-after album. I will not be posting these all at once, but will add over time as I am still working on it. I will also be posting another album of scenes I can’t match up to ‘before’, photos to document what I’ve seen. Many thanks for letting me share this experience with you… PHOTOS are from February 2017, October 2019, April 2020, and August 2020.

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